Gajak & Jam Bites

Prep. : 15 Mins
Cook : 20 Mins

Total Time :

Cuisine : indian
Servings : serves 3

Roasted white sesame seeds-100gm
jaggery(the one that is used for chikki)-150gm
Mix fruit jam-2tbsp
Dark chocolate to decorate

  1. In a hot pan, dry roast the sesame seeds. As the color begins to change, remove on a plate.
  2. In the same pan, add ghee & then melt the jaggery.
  3. Add the roasted sesame to the melted jaggery & combine well.
  4. Remove on a greased plate & flatten properly. Let it cool a little, then cut into square shapes using a cookie cutter or a knife.
  5. Now apply jam on all the pieces.
  6. Melt dark chocolate & make long strings to resemble a kite thread and cool them till they solidify.
  7. For the final assembly, take a Jammy square, place the chocolate string near the edge, close with another Jammy square. Prepare all of them to look like beautiful kites & enjoy ??
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